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15% Discount Privilege for Group Rentals!

15% Discount Privilege for Group Rentals!

Enjoy a 15% discount on group caravan rentals of 3 units or more from Avis Caravan.

Campaign conditions:
  • In order to benefit from the discount, office location and rental dates must be the same for 3 or more group rental requests.
  • Valid until 31.12.2024 for caravan rentals.
  • For reservation, please send an e-mail to karavanres@avis.com.tr.
  • The campaign is subject to general rental conditions and should not be combined with other discounts (such as YKB or KoçAilem)
  • Valid for daily rentals only
  • Payment must be completed at the time of booking. Payment will be taken from the main driver's personal credit card and the driver must be in the office at the time of payment.
  • You can pick up and return our vehicles only from our Istanbul, Izmir, Ordu and Trabzon airport offices.
    To meet the rental requirements, you must be at least 25 years old, possess a Class B driver's license for a minimum of 2 years, have 1 personal credit card, and provide a deposit of 5500 Turkish Liras. At the same time, the driver must not be over 75 years old.
  • For cancellation/refund requirements, please visit Avis Caravan rental terms and conditions.
  • Necessary training for using the caravan is provided during the delivery phase. Usage should adhere to this training, and customers can ask any questions they have during the session. All necessary camping equipment is supplied, and the specific items provided will be listed during the caravan delivery and training.
  • The reservation is created according to the KKB query (KKB is queried as soon as the reservation request is received and if it is not eligible, the reservation is not confirmed).
  • The 2nd driver (first additional driver) is free of charge. For more additional drivers, information can be obtained from the AVIS Call Center.
  • There is no KM limit.